• Mission, Vision

Our Mission

The Republic of Slovenia Public Fund for Cultural Activities takes care of the development and implementation of the national potential of amateur cultural activities.

We also take care of cultural creativity, development of creative capacities and professional standards and expanding the availability of cultural programmes.

Our Vision

Amateur activities in culture will be well developed and systematically effectively covered in Slovenia. JSKD will have a generally acknowledged status as an authority in this area. In the framework of legal authorisation and in partnership with all that act in and carry out cultural programmes of amateur culture, JSKD will focus on developing the network of holders of activities, i.e. cultural societies and their associations as well as individuals, into a systematically firmly connected cultural society. JSKD will upgrade and conclude new partnership agreements with notable carriers of the civil society, which deals with amateur culture and its values. It will be committed to improvement of the legal basis in the field of amateur culture. JSKD will act as a self-confident, esteemed and recognisable co-speaker. It will realise its mission in a planned and focused manner. The quality of its work will be proved by notable progress in amateur activities.

Our Values

- Preservation and development of the Slovenian language,

- Encouragement of cultural diversity,

- Implementation of cultural education and training in all segments of culture for all generations,

- Increase of social connectedness in the society,

- Retainment of tradition and encouraging modern creative forms.