Jesenice and Kranjska Gora, May 19th – 20th, 2018





6. mednarodno tekmovanje pihalnih orkestrov v koncertnem igranju »IMC 2017«
6th International Competition for Wind Orchestras in Concert Performance »IMC 2017«


1. člen / Article 1

6. mednarodno tekmovanje pihalnih orkestrov v koncertnem igranju Slovenija 2017 prirejajo Javni sklad RS za kulturne dejavnosti, Hrvatski sabor kulture in Zveza slovenskih godb, pripravlja in izvaja pa Organizacijski odbor. Na tekmovanju sodelujejo ljubiteljski pihalni orkestri (v nadaljevanju: orkestri), ki so bili sprejeti na tekmovanje v skladu z razpisom.

The organizers of the 6th International Competition for Wind Orchestras in Concert Performance »Slovenia 2017« are JSKD (Republic of Slovenia Public Fund for Cultural Activities), HRSK (Croatian Cultural Association) and The Association of Slovene Wind Orchestras (ZSG), while the preparation and execution of the Competition are carried out by the Organizing Committee of the Competition. Only the amateur wind orchestras selected according to the Rules of Application may enter the Competition.


2. člen / Article 2

Tekmovanje bo potekalo 18.-20. maja 2017 na Jesenicah. Tekmujoči orkestri so dolžni nastopiti v skladu s pogoji in omejitvami, navedenimi v razpisu tekmovanja. Orkester, ki ob napovedanem času ne bo nastopil, bo izključen iz tekmovanja.

Competition shall take place in Jesenice on 18th-20th May 2017. It is obligatory for the competing orchestras to perform in accordance with the conditions and restrictions stated in Rules of Application. An orchestra that does not perform at scheduled time shall be excluded from the competition.


3. člen / Article 3

Tekmujoči orkester je dolžan svoj tekmovalni program izvajati v prijavljenem zaporedju. Le iz utemeljenih razlogov in ob predhodni najavi tajniku žirije (najmanj 2 uri pred začetkom tekmovalnega koncerta) lahko orkester spremeni vrstni red skladb.
Kršenje tega pravila povzroči zmanjšanje povprečne ocene orkestra za dve točki.

Competing orchestras shall perform their program in the same order as is written in their application. Only in case of reasonable cause and with preliminary announcement to the Secretary of the Jury (at least 2 hours before the competing concert) may an orchestra change the order of compositions on its program.

Offence against this rule shall reduce the orchestra’s average score for 2 points.


4. člen / Article 4

Tekmujoči orkester je dolžan izvesti svoj program v predpisani skupni minutaži, maksimalen čas je razviden iz razpisnih pogojev. Kršenje tega pravila povzroči zmanjšanje povprečne ocene orkestra za eno točko za vsako začeto minuto prekoračitve.

A competing orchestra shall perform its program within prescribed time limits. Offence against this rule shall reduce the orchestra’s average score for 1 point for each exceeding minute begun.


5. člen / Article 5

Orkester, katerega tekmovalni nastop je bil zaradi zunanjih dejavnikov (močan hrup, izpad elektrike in podobno) prekinjen, ima pravico svoj tekmovalni nastop ponoviti v terminu, ki ga določi organizator.

An orchestra, whose performance was interrupted by external factor (disturbing noise, electric failure...), may repeat its competing performance at a time determined by the organizers.


6. člen / article 6

Predsednika in tri člane žirije imenuje Organizacijski odbor tekmovanja. Predsednik vodi delo žirije in jo zastopa pred javnostjo, pri ocenjevanju in glasovanju pa je enakopraven ostalim članom žirije. Organizacijski odbor imenuje tudi tajnika žirije, ki nima statusa ocenjevalca.

The Organizing Committee of the competition shall appoint a President and 4 members of the Jury. The President shall lead the Jury and represents it in public. In evaluating and voting he shall have equal rights as the other members of the Jury. The Organizing Committee shall also appoint a Secretary of the Jury, who shall not evaluate the competing orchestras.


7. člen / Article 7

Žirija je samostojno delovno telo tekmovanja. Njene ocene so dokončne in nepreklicne.

The Jury is an independently acting body of the competition. Its decisions are final and irrevocable.


8. člen / Article 8

Kriteriji ocenjevanja so:  intonacija, zvok orkestra, ritem in doslednost v tempu, tehnika igre, dinamika in fraziranje ter umetniški vtis nastopa.

The Jury shall evaluate: the pitch and sound of the orchestras, the rhythm and tempo, the technical aspect of performance, dynamics and phrasing and the artistic persuasiveness of the performance.


9. člen / Article 9

Vsak član žirije je dolžan v celoti prisostvovati vsem tekmovalnim nastopom orkestrov. Pri ocenjevanju je samostojen in neodvisen. Vsak orkester oceni s številčno oceno do 180 točk; uporaba decimalk ni dovoljena. Številčno oceno orkestra (na posebnem obrazcu) je dolžan oddati tajniku žirije neposredno po zaključku tekmovalnega koncerta.

During the competing performances of the orchestras all members of the Jury have to be present at all times. In evaluating the performances each member of the Jury works independently and autonomously. The members of the Jury have to give a numeric mark to each orchestra (the highest mark is 120 points, fractions of points are not allowed). Members of the Jury shall give their marks (on a special form) to the secretary of the Jury immediately after the completion of each competition performance.


10. člen / Article 10

Vsak nastop orkestra se ocenjuje posebej. Tajnik žirije izračuna oceno posameznega nastopa orkestra tako, da sešteje ocene vseh članov žirije nato pa izračuna povprečje v odstotkih (od 0% do 100%), na eno decimalno mesto natančno. Skupna številčna ocena orkestra je povprečje dodeljenih ocen. Skupna številčna ocena je podlaga za podelitev odličij in nagrad tekmovanja.

Odličja tekmovanja so:

nad 90 točk zlato priznanje s pohvalo,

od 85 – 90 točk zlato priznanje,

od 80 do 85 točk srebrno priznanje,

od 75 do 80 točk bronasto priznanje,

manj kot 75 točk je priznanje za sodelovanje.


Žirija bo podelila še denarne nagrade za najboljše tri orkestre v posameznih kategorijah in posebno nagrado za najboljšo izvedbo obvezne slovenske skladbe.


The performances of the orchestras shall be evaluated separately. The secretary of the Jury shall calculates the orchestras’ scores by summing up the points given by the members of the Jury and then computing an average percentage (the final result is between 0 and 100%, up to 1 decimal place exact). The final score of an orchestra is the average of the given marks. On the basis of the final score the awards shall be granted as follows:

over 90 points :             golden award with commendation,

85-90 points:                golden award,              

80-85 points:                silver award,

75-80 points:                bronze award,

less than 75 points:      award of participation.


The Jury shall also give financial rewards to the best performing orchestras in A, B and C categories and for best perform of Slovenian song.


11. člen / Article 11

O dodatnih nagradah (najboljša izvedba slovenske obvezne skladbe) in priznanjih odloča žirija na posebni seji po zadnjem tekmovalnem koncertu. Sklepe sprejema z večino glasov. Priznanja in nagrade bodo objavljene in podeljene na sklepni slavnosti.

Organizator lahko podeli še dodatne, posebne nagrade.

On the special session taking place after the last competing performance the Jury may decide to award additional rewards and prizes (best performance of the compulsory composition). The decisions for these rewards shall made by the majority of votes. Rewards and prizes shall be announced at the final ceremony.


12. člen / Article 12

Ocene  orkestrov so do objave uradna tajnost.
Skupne številčne ocene orkestrov bodo objavljene eno uro po vsakem tekmovalnem koncertu, končne ocene in nagrade bodo objavljene na razglasitvi rezultatov in nagrad. Za objavo skrbi tajnik žirije.

Until the official announcement the evaluations of the competing orchestras are top secret, but the secretary will announce 1 hour after each competing concert the colours of awards.  The final numeric scores of all competing orchestras will be announced by the Secretary of the Jury at the final ceremony. The Organizational Committee shall confer the awards.


13. člen / Article 13

Vsak član žirije napiše vsakemu orkestru tudi pisno oceno tekmovalnega nastopa (komentar). Oddati ga je dolžan tajniku žirije najpozneje v petnajstih dneh po zaključku tekmovanja; ta ga posreduje orkestru ali dirigentu.

Each member of the Jury shall write down his or her assessment of each competing performance for all orchestras and deliver them to the secretary of the Jury. Secretary shall forward these assessments to the orchestras and their conductors.


14. člen / Article 14

Morebitne pritožbe, razen na oceno žirije, lahko orkester vloži - v pisni obliki ali ustno na zapisnik - direktorju tekmovanja, in to v času 48 ur po koncu koncerta, na katerega se pritožba nanaša. Na oceno žirije pritožba ni dovoljena.

Eventual complaints, excluding the Jury's decisions, may be given to the director of the competition in written or oral form in time of the 48 hours after the end of the concert, during which an infringement occurred.


15. člen / Article 15

O pritožbi razpravlja in sklepa organizacijski odbor tekmovanja najpozneje v tridesetih dneh po koncu tekmovanja.

The organizing committee shall discuss the complaints not later than 30 days after the completion of the competition.


16. člen / Article

Ta poslovnik je sprejel Organizacijski odbor tekmovanja. Za razlago je pristojen njegov predsednik.

The Organizing Committee approved these regulations of the competition. The President of the Organizing Committee shall be responsible for the interpretation of these regulations.